01 July, 2007

All the Falling Seems Worth It

Dear Friend,

I have never been much of a writer but in times like these when my voice cannot tell you the song in my heart, I must rely on the dexterity of my hand to relay this feeling to you, a person who deserves to know. Please forgive my clumsiness in verse; I just want to tell you everything you already know.

Love can be related to surfing, as almost anything can. You go out on your board looking for a thrill but you end up being thrust violently back to the shore with more pain than anything else. Rarely do people have the courage to try again unless they have a good teacher by their side. Someone to guide you, help you, and give you the courage you need to try again, someone who never loses faith in your ability to succeed. When you do finally get it, after falling so many times, when you finally get on top of the wave you’ve been looking for, all the falling seems worth it because you’re beyond just surfing -- you’re flying. Your breath is taken away and you know you will never be happier than you are at that moment. That is how you make me feel. That is why I love you.

Thanks for teaching me how to surf,

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